Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bauer Mission Cup , Singapore 2010


  The Underdogs had planned  to go for another competition this year . This time ' Bauer Mission Cup' in Singapore uhhhhhh , yea thats how it was. Singapore is known to have the best Inline Hockey Teams in South East Asia , yes this is very true. I wonder why  ? Facilities ? Just have good players ? skaters ?  always wondered why , it must be their awesome rink at Tempines , no doubt about it.

             This will be our 2nd ever Mission Cup which the Underdogs have went too. This time around we stayed along East Coast Park . I forgot the name of the place which we stayed it was pretty runned down but good enough to stay , I'm no diva. We got there in Singapore a day earlier for goods nights rest before the tournament day .  On our first day , we went skating along East Cost Park.

took a stroll 
then decided no way lets skate..

End Point of East Coast Park 
      Yes tired out , East Coast coastline stretches over 15km with a beautiful scenic root. A good day one warm up...
    I love playing at Tempines Millennium Court , its really big with nice boards . Your whole game play changes from playing in an open area to a rink , everything is hard. Its a different ball game all together and it really improves ones skill.  

                 Its a really beautiful rink , I really wished we had one like that here in Malaysia and we are working closer towards it. There were a total of  7 teams who took part in this years tournament. Malaysia was the only international team this year.

Underdogs Mission Cup 2010 

Opening Match w Bunch of Clowns
Face Off !!


Piranhas vs Project Strikers 
Geared up for the next match

Lili lili lili li lil i Lily !!! Ex team manager

Me and Worlds Best Captain...

Underdogs Vs Piranhas 

         Like every Mission Cup , the favorites to win every year are The Piranhas , they really live up to their name. Move like fishes , fantastic game play and of course deadly goals . Who would have taught Project Strikers beat them in finals 7 - 2 . "Train Hard , Fight Easy". Project Strikers Mission Bauer Cup Champions 2010.  I would also like to thank Gladys , Ziggie , everyone who ref the matches you guys did a great job !! , not forgetting Skateline Singapore for sponsoring this event. 

After our last game in the tournament

         We on the other hand only manage to come in 6th Place. We came , we did our very best , we knew there was no way we could have won . To win tournaments it takes more just than training . You really got to be committed to the game and also remember hockey is a team sport , not a one man show. Whats really the up most important thing is we all had fun . We went ...

Sight Seeing ...

Meet old and new friends

and got wasted......

     Till next time Team Underdogs ... " Theres only one type of dog that I know , that shines in a battle show , glare so bright like pot gold , legendary fairy tales many have told , always favored never followed , to often commonly underestimated "  - 6 Star Steve-