Thursday, September 9, 2010

KHIS Merdeka Cup 2010

    On the morning of 31st August 2010  , Merdeka Cup was held in Arena PJ. A crowd of about 20 people showed up. For most hockey players this is inline hockey tradition here . Rules of  the are  :

1. Each player pays RM 25.00  /  Teams dividend equally according to players skills on the day itself. Winner    takes all the money .


 Yes that is it . This small tournament was pretty intense for a small tournament . Only 3 teams were formed from the group of hockey players that showed up .Teams really put up a good fight among each other.

1. Team Sure Loose
2. Team 1 Malaysia
3. Team Mat Salleh

        When it comes to playing outdoor sports the weather plays an important role especially in our country were it rains and shines all year around. Thank God for the beautiful weather which we had that morning. It was sunny and cloudy making it perfectly perfect weather. Playing indoors would definitely be a better option as we used to play indoors , but that venue is no longer available. 


      After several  intense  matches , Team Mat Salleh emerged as Champions of Merdeka Cup 2010 beating Team 'Sure Loose'  in the finals at a penalty shoot out.

Team Sure Loose
Team Mat Salleh 

     Team Mat Salleh deserved to be champions as they played very well together. Thats how a team should be , no ' I ' in team if you know what I mean . It was a great day out lets not forget the others volunteered and played at the same time to make this tournament a successful one . 

Agnes ' The Nurse & Bow

                    Thank you Agnes and Bow who did all the score keeping of all matches. Where would all the MVP's be without these people.

Steven Tan 

Craig @ Captain of The Undersdogs
                    Not forgetting the others Oliver , Areef , Steven Tan for reffing the games. Of course Craig Matthew Lee who has done so much for Inline Hockey in Malaysia . Most of importantly all those players who should up to play and keeping this sport alive .