Monday, August 23, 2010

Concerts Experience

The thought of a concert happening over joys any music enthusiast or if it happens to be your favorite band or artist. Everyone gets excited on the big day. If you had tickets to show awesome, if you manage to score free tickets far out, what more can I say if they were free VIP tickets. Either way you really look forward to a good time out .   

      I was fortunate enough to attend these 3 music event or should I say experience close calls :

1. MTV World Stage , Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach 31st July 2010 

2. Heinneken Green Room ,KL Live Centre , 31st July 2010 

3. Slash Live ,Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach, 8th August 2010 

    Great music, great bands ups and downs. Its starts on the morning of 31st August 2010 , one of colleagues decides to do a 'no show' , this really screws up my morning at work. Lucky enough  I was able to find a replacement in time. This got better later in the evening when the 'no show guy' shows up, I was yeah !!  you take care of the  ship , I'm going to MTV World Stage baby !!! .  Really got me all pumped out . Now the thing is , I had tickets but they were not with me. It was with one of my friends who was already at the venue lining up. They got really worried, cause of the crowd that showed up. I told them its ok ,you guys can go in , then come out later and pass me my tix. 

     Then when I finally show up at the main entrance, it just rained like a motha !! to my surprise people were still lining up damn no shit sherlock. Then it hit me oh my daysszz , the fucking line is nuts. So I bbmed the person who had my tix and was told " there no way , i could get out there , i'm soaking wet , i'm sorry" .  At this point I was like shit , fuck should have just stayed at work and not to forget it was still raining like a motha. Then I decided to bbm my bff , she came to my rescue straight away. Gave me a number to extra tix . I called her up but there was no answer , so just sent her a text. Waited and waited for abit….

       There had been no reply. I did understand this person was a really busy person and that she was kindda working at that event.  So I waited a lil longer, by now the rain had subsided. Few minutes later, I decided to just screw this shit and went to get coffee at Starbucks. As I was sipping my java chip and puffing smoke , my phone rang !!! your tickets are here come pick them at this entrance. Yes , by now I had realized there 2 entrances, 1 more normal people like me and  another  for VIP’s. Fuck yeah , don’t hate the player hate the game. This entrance was like on the other side of world.

          So, yeah made my there.  I was so happy to get my tickets, they were shining like gold as I held them. Then I had to get back to the other entrance, so I ran as fast as I could. When I reached there and saw the line , it was soo sooo soo long . Thought to myself fuck it , ok I surrender !!!!! . So I didn’t even go in . By then I was tired and bitching all the way home on twitter. What a screwed up day . 

   When I got home, first thing I did was charge my bb it when flat from all the complaining done on twitter and chatting on BBM. As the night was falling in, everything changed from better to best. My BFF bbmed , let’s go Green Room , we have VIP tickets . Fuck yeah let’s do it!!

     This was an awesome party! Big ups to Future Sound Asia truly know how to organize an awesome party event unlike those MTV wankers. Alcohol was decent at RM 15 per bottle I got there in just in time. The Rapture is an amazing band, never knew a band could make sounds like that. I was blown away by their performance and their tracks rule my play list at this very moment. When they were done, our own favourite boys LapSap unleashed their power with their electro sounds that just got the whole KL Live ridding on that beat. By far this is one of the best parties I’d been in a while.  What a blasting night !

    This was a concert I did not plan at going at all, but it magically came to my work place lol! I was out teaching, when I got to the office my colleague told me hurry up go home, go go go!!  In his hand was an envelope, take and go. I opened the envelope , saw 4 tickets to Slash live in KL .Plus these we quite ex tickets , like RM 300 ish , I was wtf !! hooo hoo. Grabbed my phone, first person to call, BFF lets goo !!!. Who else could you call at that very last moment?  I did try to call a few friends but it was too late, so 2 tickets were burned.

     We got there late. Knowing our Malaysian timing, so we weren’t really worried but to our surprise they started on time, yea wow !! . The crowd not at much as MTV world stage, lines we quick what a relief. When I got there  Slash was already on stage rocking and grinding on his solo’s . If  I had paid for those tickets I’d be really pissed off cause , there was no one there directing us on our tickets on which area we should we really be. The crowd was pretty much everywhere, so we ended up quite far away from the stage. Slash poured out a superb showmen ship. I was thinking that he’d be old by now and hadn’t had it in him to rock a show but boy I was wrong. Listening to his music, made me reminisce times when I was 14 listening to Guns and Roses on cassette.  It made my day, looking at Slash soloing up his Gibson Less Paul legendary guitar. I’ve always wanted that guitar for some reason, even thou my guitar playing skills are no way close to that. Watching that band play ‘Paradise City” and “ Sweet Child Of Mine”  it was music which I longed to hear played live for a very long time now.  Well  that’s pretty much my side of the story.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The History Of Sneakers

The History of Sneakers
Sneakers go back a long way. In the late 18th century, people wore rubber soled shoes called plimsolls, but they were pretty crude—for one thing, there was no right foot or left foot. Around 1892, the U.S. Rubber Company came up with more comfortable rubber sneakers with canvas tops, called Keds. By 1917, these sneakers began to be mass produced. (They got the nickname sneakers because they were so quiet, a person wearing them could sneak up on someone.)
That same year, Marquis Converse produced the first shoe made just for basketball, called Converse All-Stars. In 1923, an Indiana hoops star named Chuck Taylor endorsed the shoes, and they became known as Chuck Taylor All-Stars. These are the best-selling basketball shoes of all time.

Sneakers Go Global

Sneakers went international in 1924. That’s when a German man named Adi Dassler created a sneaker that he named after himself: Adidas. This brand became the most popular athletic shoe in the world. Track star Jessie Owens wore Adidas when he won four gold medals at the 1936 Olympics. Adi’s brother Rudi started up another famous sports shoe company: Puma.
During the first half of the 20th century, sports shoes were worn mostly to play sports. But in the 1950s, kids began wearing them as fashion statements. Even more teens followed the fad after seeing James Dean in sneakers in the popular movie Rebel Without a Cause.

Innovation at a Price

Sales of sneakers really took off in 1984, when Michael Jordan signed a contract to wear a Nike shoe called Air Jordans—the most famous sneaker ever made. Even after Jordan retired from the NBA, his shoes continued to be best sellers. As companies like Nike, Reebok and Adidas competed, they changed the way sneakers looked, adding wild colors and doing away with laces. Sneakers began to be produced for every sport, including walking, skateboarding and “cross training.”
New sneaker technologies increase performance. Nike’s Air Force used little pockets of gas to create better cushioning, while Reebok introduced The Pump—air pumped into shoes to make them fit more snugly. Sneaker surprises continue: Spira Footwear, for example, has built a spring in the soles to reduce foot stress. Of course, innovations like these come with a price: Athletic shoes often cost more than $100 a pair!

History of Sneakers in Malaysia

As far as I can remember sneakers in Malaysia started off about in the 80's . The most famous sneakers to hit the streets here was Aliph . I cant quite remember having a pair , I was quite young to even know what the word 'style' meant but somehow I had taste.  I knew , I had a pair of North Star from Bata that looked like a converse and  a pair new balance New balance with front bit curling up .

  Aliph shoes were worn by alot of Rock Stars in the 80's . I think they even custom made one for Axle Rose ? lol  ! , sure look like they did.  I wonder if their still around or back in style.

I love sneakers  , I cant quite roll without a pair. Its like rolling with a gun without bullets.

                                        Check my kicks out ....