Friday, August 24, 2012

My New Skates This Year

 Roller Blade Fusion X3 this my new skates for the year. I have been using them for about 3 months now . Have to say I absolutely love them.  This skate does not have any buckles. It uses mainly velcrow straps , because of its boot , cuffs and liner it does not need buckle straps for additional support. 

   This skates comes with a detachable UFS frame ( about 260mm ) . 80mm 82A Rollerblade wheels with SG7 bearings . I cant wait to put my K2 soul slide frames on this.  Over all I'd rate this skate 10/10 perfect for my skating style and usage. Thank you to the makers of Roller Blade.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Incredible India

 Being a Malaysian I was extremely excited to visit my motherland , yes I  always been told " balik India la "  when actually Im Malaysian so where to "balik "  . It is said that one should visit India at least once in their life time and I have to truly agree with that. Visiting India has made me count my blessing and truly humbled me. Thank you God for all that I have.

Out of all the places to have an ice hockey tournament yes in India .It was kinda funny telling anyone that talked to us who we met on this journey. This was the Challenge Cup Of Asia organized by IIHF  International Ice Hockey Federation . Dehradun is the capital city of Uttarakhan in the northern part of India. 

 I dont know what this means , it could be welcome ,hello , safe journey . Sadly I could not ask anyone when I was there , this was taken in New Dehli airport  .

       Dehradun is about 7 hours if you travel by bus from New Dehli fortunately we were able to travel by air which took us about 3 hours .
   New Dehli airport is about 10 times bigger than KLIA yes seriously , Im not too sure about how many landing strips there are but its huge and that just terminal  3.

    We took a flight in this plane from New Delhi to Dehradun. If you think Air Asia is rough then you have no idea , be great-full.  The flight reminded me a mini bus ride.

At least when you fly with these guys they give free drinks and snacks.
   This  is Dehradun's airport its very futuristic .

The famous car that we only see in Tamil or Bollywood movies and by this time was really getting cultured shocked.

  This is Tiki our guide / volunteer who was assigned to take of us. He is was one nice guy did a good job and liked by everyone.
 Me and some the guys right outside Dehradun's airport.
 Culture shocked even in Malaysia we dont do this . The hotel welcomed us with flowers around our necks.
Our team coach  , one awesome coach .

      The venue for the tournament was fantastic , top notch first class. An actual Olympic ice hockey rink. I only wished they had one of these here.  

Giant murals outside the stadium , really work of art.

  I was trying to figure out what winter sport is this .

At this tournament I lost my stick and this guy beside me found it , I was every so grateful that he found it. I was just upset that I didnt have a spare stick to give him . He could have really used one. 

We got Third placing for this tournament , I think we did well . I would like to thank everyone involved for making this happen , we could not have do it without you. 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Terry Fox Run , 2010 Titiwangsa Kuala Lumpur

   Who is Terry Fox ?

   Terrance Stanley Fox or otherwise known as " Terry Fox" (July 28, 1958 – June 28, 1981) , was diagnosed with bone cancer at the age of 19. In 1980 he ran The Marathon of Hope, with one leg having been amputated he embarked on a cross-Canada run to raise money and awareness for cancer research. Although the spread of his cancer eventually forced him to end his quest after 143 days and 5,373 kilometres (3,339 mi), and ultimately cost him his life, his efforts resulted in a lasting, worldwide legacy.The Terry Fox Run now is held in over 80 countries with millions participating for a cause. 

Me and Steven Tan
Main Stage

                This years Terry Fox Run was held in Tasik Titiwangsa , 7th November 2010. The beauty of this run is , you don't necessarily have to run , you can skate , cycle , board , scooter , even pogo stick your way if you can. This year I was a marshal on wheels , flagging of the wheelers.  This years route was only 2km but you could 10 laps if you wanted. I got a little worried for the rollers because it was still drizzling at 630am thus leaving the floor damp but that was not gonna stop us.



      Despite the gloomy morning weather alot of skaters came and showed their support all for a good cause. 

           All waiting to be flagged off. There were even moms with strollers . I had to remind the crowd that this was not a race , they we getting really competitive among each other. 

                                And their off !!!!!!!


                   What awesome skate it was that morning , I think I did like 5 laps or so . I was really happy to see so many people turned up in . This year we had manage to raise more than  RM 600 thousand for cancer research . Big ups to the event organisers , sponsors and everyone who did their part. If you had bought the t-shirt which cost only RM 25 , you had help out in The Marathon of Hope.

     Its really beautiful to see people working hand in hand , we can change this world and make it a better place. 


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bauer Mission Cup , Singapore 2010


  The Underdogs had planned  to go for another competition this year . This time ' Bauer Mission Cup' in Singapore uhhhhhh , yea thats how it was. Singapore is known to have the best Inline Hockey Teams in South East Asia , yes this is very true. I wonder why  ? Facilities ? Just have good players ? skaters ?  always wondered why , it must be their awesome rink at Tempines , no doubt about it.

             This will be our 2nd ever Mission Cup which the Underdogs have went too. This time around we stayed along East Coast Park . I forgot the name of the place which we stayed it was pretty runned down but good enough to stay , I'm no diva. We got there in Singapore a day earlier for goods nights rest before the tournament day .  On our first day , we went skating along East Cost Park.

took a stroll 
then decided no way lets skate..

End Point of East Coast Park 
      Yes tired out , East Coast coastline stretches over 15km with a beautiful scenic root. A good day one warm up...
    I love playing at Tempines Millennium Court , its really big with nice boards . Your whole game play changes from playing in an open area to a rink , everything is hard. Its a different ball game all together and it really improves ones skill.  

                 Its a really beautiful rink , I really wished we had one like that here in Malaysia and we are working closer towards it. There were a total of  7 teams who took part in this years tournament. Malaysia was the only international team this year.

Underdogs Mission Cup 2010 

Opening Match w Bunch of Clowns
Face Off !!


Piranhas vs Project Strikers 
Geared up for the next match

Lili lili lili li lil i Lily !!! Ex team manager

Me and Worlds Best Captain...

Underdogs Vs Piranhas 

         Like every Mission Cup , the favorites to win every year are The Piranhas , they really live up to their name. Move like fishes , fantastic game play and of course deadly goals . Who would have taught Project Strikers beat them in finals 7 - 2 . "Train Hard , Fight Easy". Project Strikers Mission Bauer Cup Champions 2010.  I would also like to thank Gladys , Ziggie , everyone who ref the matches you guys did a great job !! , not forgetting Skateline Singapore for sponsoring this event. 

After our last game in the tournament

         We on the other hand only manage to come in 6th Place. We came , we did our very best , we knew there was no way we could have won . To win tournaments it takes more just than training . You really got to be committed to the game and also remember hockey is a team sport , not a one man show. Whats really the up most important thing is we all had fun . We went ...

Sight Seeing ...

Meet old and new friends

and got wasted......

     Till next time Team Underdogs ... " Theres only one type of dog that I know , that shines in a battle show , glare so bright like pot gold , legendary fairy tales many have told , always favored never followed , to often commonly underestimated "  - 6 Star Steve-